Monday, March 21, 2011

Tucker Print Blouse

Blouse: Tucker for Target
Skirt: H&M
Necklace: from Loehmanns
Shoes: Elizabeth & James

       The lighting was awful when these shots were taken, therefore it is sort of off-color in the pictures. The real piece is a little bit more purplish. I love the print of this blouse but not the texture...wish it was made of silk instead (that will be perfect). But for the lovely price, I shouldn't require too much, right? ^_^ More importantly, I have already worn it multiple times (which does not happen very often in my wardrobe :P )ever since I got it last year. It easily matched with many shorts, pants, skirts and brought the retro element to the outfit meanwhile. I hope I will build more and more versatile pieces like this in my wardrobe.


  1. I ordered a tucker dress before but returned it -- the silk is way too thin and flaky.

    China trip ended up to be mainly a food trip, hehe :) I couldn't believe the schedule you had in Beijing! I only covered about half of yours.

  2. 很喜欢这条HM的裙子,很闷骚~~EJ的鞋子也很女人,最近很喜欢这种细跟的鞋子,嘻嘻

  3. Yi, Yeah the texture of tucker's stuff is a big problem! Too bad I always love their prints:(

    Food trip is good, food is the thing my LD cares much more than any tour sites:D Our schedule last! I don't think we can ever make it without my parents's help.

  4. littlebellring, 那条裙子的确很闷骚,哈哈据说金牛座的人就比较闷骚,我也是越来越喜欢细跟的。


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